Two Indian animation films, “Goopi Gawaiiya Bagha Bajaiiya” and “Arjun,” will feature in the International Animation Competition category at the 18th edition of the International Children’s Film Festival India (ICFFI), to be held in Hyderabad Nov. 14 to 20.
“Goopi Gawaiiya Bagha Bajaiiya” is directed by Shilpa Ranade, associated professor of the Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) and Indian Institute of Technology, while “Arjun” is directed by Arnab Chawdhury and produced by UTV.
The festival will have a new category, Competition International Animation, in the competition section. The Animation category will showcase the best animated children’s films from all around the globe.
There are 12 feature films competing in this newly introduced segment, including the animated musical “Goopi Gawaiiya Bagha Bajaiiya,” an adaptation of Bengali writer Upendra Kishore Raychowdhuri’s “Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne,” which will also be the inaugural film of the festival.
Raychowdhuri’s comic fantasy was most famously adapted for the screen in 1969 by his renowned grandson, Satyajit Ray, as a feature film.
The competition section consists of three other categories including Competition International Live Action, Competition Shorts and Competition Little Directors where national and international films will compete against each other for the prestigious Golden Elephant trophies.
“Out of 900 films received from over 75 countries, we will be screening 200 films sourced from more than 45 countries. Receiving such a large number of animated feature films from all around the globe with magnificent animation quality, the festival authorities wanted to do justice to the animation features by dedicating an exclusive competition section at the festival,” said Dr. Shravan Kumar, festival director and CFSI CEO.
The ICFFI, also popularly known as The Golden Elephant, is a biennial festival that strives to bring the most delightful and imaginative national and international children’s cinema to young audiences in India.
Features, shorts, live action and animation films are screened over seven days of festive celebrations, attended by more than one hundred thousand children and hundreds of film professionals from across the world.
ICFFI is organized by the CFSI, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. Every two years, the festival begins Nov. 14, the birth date of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
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